Saturday, November 17, 2012

Getting back into the game...

It's been a crazy several months for my family and I! We recently moved to the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas from the center of the state and we're still adjusting. Our house is a dream come true for us; recently built, much larger than our previous home (which we desperately needed), is ultra secluded on 21 acres, and has the most amazing view of the surrounding mountains from the back deck. We are IN LOVE. All glory be to the One who brought us on this surprising journey.

In photography news, I have a couple of sessions I'd really like to share that turned out very well. I also have a bit of news about the business to announce. I will do that soon. Until then, know that I am here, I am getting my head back into the game, and everything is going great!

Thanks for reading. :)


Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Golden Hour

For the following shoot, I went on an adventure! Okay, maybe not a bona fide adventure, per se. However it was to a place I'd never been to, never even knew was so near to my own home. Saline County Arkansas really has some hidden treasures, I tell ya. Allison (the pretty young lady you see pictured below) drove her family and I out into the country, off of a main highway, and a good ways down some gravel roads to get to the setting of these photographs. The main draw was an old, steel bridge over the Saline River. I just love old bridges! They're some of my most favorite of all places to shoot. Anyhow, this bridge was covered in graffiti (another thing I adore!), there was no one nearby, and the lighting was absolutely, splendidly GORGEOUS. We really lucked out with the most perfect golden hour light to shoot with. And, as you can see, it made for some great shots!

I plan to return with future clients. Really, it was just too beautiful of a setting not to. I just hope I can remember how to get there. :-/

Thanks, Allison, for allowing me to take your lovely family's pictures and for showing me such a cool place. :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Time to catch up!

It's been far too long since an update was posted, but so much has happened between now and last year, so I'm just going to start with my latest session...

Recently I, Amber, had the opportunity to photograph a wildly playful family, the Eoffs. We met in West Little Rock and crossed the river to take pictures. The lighting was quite lovely and the wind was unruly! But in the end it made for some whimsical photos. The children were feeling a bit rambunctious and overwhelmed that evening, so the shoot consisted mostly of Marci and her husband Robert. But I say the more pictures of mom and dad, the better! :) Here are some of my favorites from the day.