Wednesday, April 27, 2011


If we had $699 for admission alone, plus airfare to Michigan and money left over for accomodations and perhaps a little food (bahaha), we'd so love to go to Her Photography Conference.

Ahh, a girl can dream, right?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Belly Bumps and Family Play

I was recently honored to take part in a photo fundraiser with Little Rock Mommies and be one of two photographers taking portraits of families. The below session was my last one of the day, however it was my favorite. I was able to play around with fun props on a beautifully pregnant mama and capture she and her family playing cheerfully together. I genuinely enjoyed myself!

- Amber

Monday, April 11, 2011

Meet Piper

This here is sweet little Piper. She's the new daughter of one of my closest friends and she oh so graciously allowed me to photograph her recently. ;) I find that since posting "the butt shot" online, she now has one adorably famous derriere! So here's a personal thank you from myself to you, Miss Piper girl. I hope that one day, when your mother braggingly shows these pictures off to all of your friends, that you'll find it in your heart to forgive me.
